首页 > 路线交通 > 问答 > 你多久到中国旅游英语,你来中国生活多久英语


来源:整理 时间:2025-02-08 04:54:03 编辑:国内旅游 手机版



You come to China to live how long
应该是:You come to China to live how long?
How long have you been in China?


2,你什么时候来中国啊 怎么打英文啊

When do you want to come to China, ah
what time will you come to china?
WHEN WILL YOU COME TO CHINA?标准答案。用将来时,因为你问的时候对方还没有来中国。

你什么时候来中国啊 怎么打英文啊

3,你什么时候来中国 英文

What time will you come to China?
When will you come to China?
When did you come to China
When will you come to China?
你什么时候来中国? when will you come to china?

你什么时候来中国 英文


when have you been to China
When did you come to the China?希望对你有帮助
What time will you come Chinese 望采纳 谢谢!
when are you come to china ?
When did you come to China?
when have you been to the China


How long have you come to China
how long have you come to china? 情感医院!
你来中国多久了?how long have you been in china?你第一次什么时候来中国的?The first time you come to china?
你到中国来已经多久了? How long have you been in China?你第一次什么时候来中国的?When did you first come to China?

6,你什么时候来中国的 英文怎么写

when will you come to china to play.句子的顺序:特殊疑问词when+一般疑问句(will you come to china)to 表目的状语。不用to play也可以。希望帮到你。 修改答案:楼上的朋友,楼主问,什么时候来中国玩,这个“什么时候”不是疑问难道是陈述句?你那所谓的正解翻译过来就是,有空来中国玩吧。那么请问,从语文的角度来考虑,这句有空来中国玩吧=什么时候来中国玩 吗? 您如此的肯定自己的是正解,本人不才,请楼上指点一二! 微笑.
when will you come to china?标准答案。用将来时,因为你问的时候对方还没有来中国。
when did you come to China?
When did you first come over to China?

